Copake Planning Board Notice of Public Hearing

Copake Planning Board

Town of Copake

Notice of Public Hearing

The Planning Board of the Town of Copake, New York, will hold a public hearing pursuant to Subdivision Regulations adopted by the Town Board on May 12, 1971 and pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on an application for a Boundary Line Adjustment for Angelo and Shirley Valentino on 56 Chrysler Pond Road in the Town of Copake.

Said land is bordered now or was formerly bordered by the following Lands of: Charles Fagin, Sherilyn Adams & Christopher Omuleski, Warren Traiger & DianeTraiger, Jean Hosier & Concetta Eastman, Michael Smoyver & Patricia Deshon, Julie-Anne Bernroth, Julia Hoik & Thor Hilmarand Maria McFarland.

Said hearing will be held on Thursday, the 5th day of April 2018 at the Copake Town Hall at 230 Mountain View Road, at 7:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.

By order of the Chair,

Bob Haight