
Information regarding Copake’s civic organizations, churches, schools, COPAKE BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY and news sources.

The Copake community has a deep history, grounded in agriculture.  Today, as in the past, this community is warm and welcoming.  Made up of many residents whose families go back generations, the Town of Copake is also enriched by  newer residents, as well as many seasonal and weekend residents—many of whom have called Copake their second home for decades.

For information on events in Copake and also the Roeliff  Jansen Community, take a look at our Community Calendar.  And  please consider signing up for our Copake Connection letter for the latest news about our community.

For information on New York State and Columbia County governments, hospitals, parks, schools and news sources click on PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTORY, below.  For information on local clubs and not for profit organizations, look at our LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY below.

For information on our local businesses and services, see COPAKE BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY  below.  If you wish to have your business listed here, please sign up by filling out the Registration for Business Directory.

For more information regarding the history of Copake and the Roeliff Jansen area,  go to: The Roeliff Jansen Historical Society  or follow the Historical Society on FACEBOOK .   A 2016 edition of “A History of the Roeliff Jansen Area” is now available.   This new edition includes  updates from each of the five local towns,  setting forth the the events of the past decade or so.   To learn more about  recent events in Copake, read the  RECENT HISTORY OF COPAKE  which is included in the 2016 edition.

Public Safety

Copake Fire Department – Emergencies:  call 911

Community Rescue Squad – Emergencies:  call 911