Comprehensive Plan Review Committee

The Copake Town Board is reviewing and updating the current Town of Copake Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted by the Town in 2011. The New York State Department of State recently awarded the Town funding through its Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan Program to support this effort. The updated plan will be guided by smart growth principles to establish a framework for future development actions and policy making. It will address community and economic development, housing, parks and recreation, resource conservation, historic preservation, agriculture, transportation and downtown revitalization among other potential topics. The comprehensive plan will serve as a roadmap to accelerate our progress toward a shared vision of the future.

The Supervisor and Board Members called for volunteers and then interviewed, and selected members for a Comprehensive Plan Review Committee to help our selected consultant. The consultant will plan and facilitate extensive community engagement including a survey and multiple community workshops. A website is being developed. A draft Comprehensive Plan is expected to be provided to the Town Board for review in mid-2026. At that point, the Town Board will consult the Town Planning Board, hold public hearings on the draft plan, complete SEQR, and engage Columbia County consistent with General Municipal Law Section 239-M prior to adoption.

Chair, Jeanne Mettler

Town Board Liaison, Richard Wolf

Peter Doty

Benedict Gedaminski

Julie Cohen

Terry Sullivan

Brendan Cranna

Catherine Mikic

Stephanie Rabin

Alden Warner

Brian Boom

Todd Proper