Mohican Allyship Committee

Copake Mohican Allyship Committee
A Sub-Committee of the Conservation Advisory Committee


As a subcommittee of the Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC), the Mohican Allyship Committee (MAC) shall further the cultural mission of the CAC by engaging in the activities listed below. In addition, the MAC shall collaborate with the Town Historian on Historian activities concerning the indigenous people of the Copake area. Like the CAC, the MAC’s role in Town decisions and policy-making is advisory only.

The Sub-committee shall be comprised of three members, to be appointed by the Chair of the Conservation Advisory Committee. Members of the MAC may be but do not have to be members of the CAC.

The activities of the Mohican Allyship Committee shall include:
  1. Working with the Town of Copake and area residents, in consultation with Stockbridge-Munsee Community representatives, to increase the visibility and understanding of contemporary, past, and future Mohicans, in order to honor them.
  2. Facilitating inter-government communications between the Town and the Stockbridge-Munsee Community about any and all Town activities related to the indigenous inhabitants of the greater Copake area and their descendants, including any references to Mohicans, past, present, and future.
  3. Providing recommendations for local policies, procedures, and resolutions related to the Town’s relationship with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community, their ancestors, and their descendants.

NOTE: This mission statement is the guiding document for the Copake Mohican Allyship Committee, but has not been approved in any way by the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. All mentions of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community refer to the MAC’s intentions and principles and are in no way meant to suggest a formal agreement between the Stockbridge-Munsee Community and the Town of Copake.


Bradley Pitts


Maryann Carrick

Rita Jakubowski
