Public Notice Special Town Board Meeting

Public Notice of Special Meeting
Town Board
Town of Copake

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Copake will hold a special meeting on
Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., at the Copake Town Hall, 230 Mountain View Road, Copake, NY,
12516 for purposes of considering and possible action on the appropriation of funds from the Town of
Copake Repair Reserve Fund for the hot mix asphalt paving of Yonderview Road, for considering and
possible action on the award of a contract for the hot mix asphalt paving of Yonderview Road, and for
any other business as may come before the Board.

Lynn M. Connolly
Town Clerk, Town of Copake

Dated: June 9, 2023