Town Documents



Resolution No. 30 of June 28, 2024 To Authorize the Presentation of a Written Offer to Acquire Real Property Pursuant to Eminent Domain Procedure Law § 303



Resolution Number 29 of June 13, 2024 To Adopt Determination and Findings Pursuant to N.Y. Eminent Domain Procedure Law § 204
Resolution Number 28 of June 13, 2024 To Accept Permanent Easements for the Main Street Parking Lot Improvements Project
Resolution Number 27 of June 13, 2024 To Adopt Negative Declaration Pursuant to SEQRA in Connection with the Main Street Parking Lot Improvements Project
Resolution Number 26 of June 13, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Legal Services and Disbursements Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution Number 25 of June 13, 2024 To Make a Budget Transfer in the 2024 Budget
Resolution Number 24 of June 13, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Equipment Reserve Fund for the Purchase of a 2024 Ford F-450 Dual Wheel 4x4 Pickup Truck, Subject to Permissive Referendum


Resolution No. 23 of May 9, 2024 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual Regarding Lactation Accommodation
Resolution No. 22 of May 9, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Land Surveying Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 21 of May 9, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Appraisal Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 20 of May 9, 2024 To Approve the Highway Superintendent’s Sale of 1999 CAT Loader


Resolution No. 19of April 11, 2024 To Authorize Proceedings to Acquire Real Property Interest(s) for Main Street Municipal Parking Lot and to Schedule a Public Hearing Pursuant to Law
Resolution No. 18 of April 11, 2024 To Set Inital Short-Term Rental Operating Permit Fees
Resolution No. 17 of April 11, 2024 To Support the New York State Assembly and Senate Passage of a Strong Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (A.5322-B/S.4246-B) and Expand the State’s Bottle Bill (A.6353/S.237-B)
Resolution No. 16 of April 11, 2024 To Authorize Supervisor to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for Acquisition of Easement
Resolution No. 15 of April 11, 2024 To Authorize Supervisor to Negotiate and Execute an Easement
Resolution No. 14 of April 11, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Land Surveying Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 13 of April 11, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Design Professional Services Costs Relating to the Highway Department Cold Storage Building Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 12 of April 11, 2024 To Make a Budget Transfers in the 2024 Budget
Resolution No. 11 of April 11, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital ImprovementReserve Fund for Professional Legal Services and Disbursements Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 10 of April 11, 2024 To Designate a Stop Intersection and Authorize the Installation of 4-Way Stop Signs at Orphan Farm Road and Harlem Valley Rail Trail Crossing


Resolution No. 9 of March 14, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement
Reserve Fund for Purchase of Park Gazebo, Subject to Permissive Referendum

Resolution No. 8 of February 23, 2024 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Septic Design Services for Parking Lot Improvements Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum

Resolution No. 7 of February 8, 2024 To Recognize the Encumbrance of 2023 Appropriation for the Purchase of Loader and to Amend the 2024 Budget Accordingly

Resolution No. 6 of January 3, 2024 A Resolution regarding Planning Board Appointment
Resolution No. 5 of January 3, 2024 A Resolution regarding Highway Wages and Hours
Resolution No. 4 of January 3, 2024 A Resolution regarding expenditures by and for Departments
Resolution No. 3 of January 3, 2024 A Resolution regarding Salaries and Stipends
Resolution No. 2 of January 3, 2024 A Resolution regarding Appointments and Designations
Resolution No. 1 of January 3, 2024 A Resolution to Appoint a New Member to fill the vacant seat on the Town Board, such term to end on December 31, 2024, and such seat to be subject to election in November 2024



Resolution No. 44 of December 28, 2023 To enact Local Law No. 11 of 2023, “A Local Law to Regulate Short-Term Rentals in the Town of Copake”
Resolution No. 43 of December 28, 2023 To Make Budget Transfers


Resolution No. 42 of December 14, 2023 A Resolution Commending Karl Weingaertner for Having Achieved the Rank of Eagle Scout
Resolution No. 41 of December 14, 2023 Resolution Exempting Certain Referrals Mandated by General Municipal Law Section 239-m


Resolution No. 40 of November 21, 2023 To Authorize the Supervisor to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for the Loan of Artwork


Resolution No. 39 of November 9, 2023 To Amend Resolution No. 2 of January 3, 2023 Relating to Town Historian Stipend
Resolution No. 38 of November 9, 2023 To Make Budget Transfers in the 2023 Budget
Resolution No. 37 of November 9, 2023 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Subsurface Investigation for Parking Lot Improvements Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 36 of November 9, 2023 Establishing a Climate Education and Engagement Program


Resolution Number 35 of October 12, 2023 To Adopt the 2024 Preliminary Budget as the Annual Budget for the Town of Copake for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2024
Resolution Number 34 of October 12, 2023 To Make a Budget Transfer in the A Fund in the 2023 Budget
Resolution Number 33 of October 12, 2023 Supporting Operation Green Light for Active Military Service Members in Transition to Civilian Life (Veteran Status)
Resolution Number 32 of October 12, 2023 To Approve the Highway Superintendent’s Sale of1998 Vermeer 1230A Brush Chipper
Resolution Number 31 of October 12, 2023 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual regarding Retiree’s Benefits


Resolution No. 30 of October 3, 2023 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Construction of the Church Street Parking Lot Improvements Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution No. 29 of October 3, 2023 Pro-Housing Communities Resolution

Resolution Number 28 of September 14, 2023 Resolution Supporting Submission of a Proposal to the Capital Region Economic Development Council to Select the Copake Hamlet for up to $4.5 Million of Strategic Investment Through Round 2 of the New York State New York Forward Program
Resolution Number 27 of September 14, 2023 To Opt-In to Offer Roth Contributions Option as Part of the New York State Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the State of New York and Other Participating Public Jurisdictions
Resolution Number 26 of September 14, 2023, To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Legal Services and Disbursements Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum

Resolution #24 of August 12, 2023 To Authorize the Town of Copake to take part in the Undertaking for the Benefit of New York State Department of Transportation
Resolution #25 of August 12, 2023, To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual regarding Use of Tobacco, Cannabis, and Similar Products on Town Property and to Authorize the Installation of Signage

Resolution #23 of July 6, 2023 To Authorize the Purchase of Liquid Propane through County Contract


Resolution #22 of June 20, 2023 To Accept a Bid and Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Repair Reserve Fund for the Hot Mix Asphalt Paving of Yonderview Road

Resolution #21 of June 08, 2023 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Land Surveying Costs Relating to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution #20 of June 08, 2023 To Authorize the Expenditure of Funds from the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for Professional Services Related to the Copake Hamlet Streetscape and Parking Lots Project, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Copake Wastewater Preliminary Report
Resolution # 19 of May 11, 2023 A Resolution Relating to the Town of Copake’s Acceptance from Columbia County of Certain Land Within the County Right of Way of County Route 7A in the Town of Copake
Resolution #18 of May 11, 2023 To Adopt Policy and Complaint Procedure Regarding Discrimination and Harassment
Resolution #17 of May 11, 2023 To enter into and execute a Conservation Easement with Virtus Nostra, LLC

Resolution #16 of April 13, 2023 To Adopt Town of Copake Investment Policy by Resolution and to Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual
Resolution #15 of April 13, 2023 To Amend Resolution Number 1.2 of 2023 Relating to Bank Depositaries to Set Maximum Amount That May Be Kept on Deposit at Any Time
Resolution #14 of April 13, 2023 To Transfer Funds to the Town of Copake Equipment Reserve Fund
Resolution #13 of April 13, 2023 To Transfer Funds to the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund
Resolution #12 of April 13, 2023 To Transfer Funds to the Town of Copake Repair Reserve Fund
Resolution #11 of April 13, 2023 To Authorize the Purchase of a Zero Turn Mower Financed Using Funds from the Town of Copake Equipment Reserve Fund, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution #10 TABLED 
Resolution #9 of April 13, 2023 Resolution Adopting an Enerty Benchmarking Policy for Certain Municipal Buildings in the Town of Copake

Resolution #8 of March 9, 2023 Resolution opposing proposed change to Real Property Tax Law §575-b

Resolution #7 of February 9, 2023 To Enact a Local Law entitled “Town of Copake Major Subdivision Moratorium Law” as Local Law Number 3 of  2023

Resolution #6 of January 12, 2023 To Amend Resolution #2 as to Frequency of Payment for Deputy Town Clerk and BAR Secretary-Clerk/Typist
Resolution #5 of January 12, 2023 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual regarding Retiree’s Benefits

Resolution #44 of December 8, 2022 To Make a Budget Transfer in the DA Fund in the 2022 Budget
Resolution #43 of December 8, 2022 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual

Proclamation-Lawrence O. Proper

111022 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #42 of November 10, 2022 To Amend the 2022 Budget
Resolution #41 of November 10, 2022 Supporting Natural Resources Inventory Application for Technical Assistance
Resolution #40 of November 10, 2022 Supporting  Senate Bill S9546 which would repeal the Office of Renewable Energy Siting from state law, returning the siting of renewable energy systems to the Article X process that existed for more than a decade
Resolution #39 of November 10, 2022 To Authorize the Repurchase of Two (2) Burial Sites in the Williams Cemetery
Resolution #38 of November 10, 2022 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual regarding Health Insurance
Resolution #37 of November 10, 2022 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual regarding Subcommittees/Task Forces and Stipends
Resolution #36 of November 10, 2022 To Adopt Procurement Policies and Procedures by Resolution and to Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual
Resolution #35 of November 10, 2022 To Require That Recycling Bins be Placed in all Town-owned Properties
Resolution #34 of November 10, 2022 To Authorize the Supervisor to Execute a Memorandum of Agreement with Teamsters Local 294 to Authorize Participation of Union Members in the Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the State of New York and Other Participating Public Jurisdictions
Resolution #33 of November 10, 2022 To Adopt the State of New York Deferred Compensation Plan for All Eligible Employees
Resolution #32 of November 10, 2022 To Amend Resolution Number 21 of June 9, 2022 Relating to Authorization of Use of ARPA Funds for Purchase of Two (2) Generators
Proclamation-Eugene Meenagh
Budget to Actual Reports

Resolution #31 of October 26, 2022 Supporting Operation Green Light for Active Military Service Members in Transition to Civilian Life (Veteran Status)

101322 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #30 of October 13, 2022 Opposition to Proposed Siting of the Shepherd’s Run Solar Project within the Taghkanic Creek Watershed
Resolution #29 of October 13, 2022 To Adopt Written Procedures Governing Videoconference Meeting Participation by Members of Public Bodies in the Town of Copake and to Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual

090822 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #28 of September 8, 2022 To Declare Two Replaced Generators as Surplus and Authorize Their Sale at Auction
Resolution #27 To request and establish a lower Speed Limit on County Route 7A from the Hamlet of Copake to the Hamlet of West Copake

081322 Public Hearing/Town Board Meeting
Resolution #26 To Amend the 2022 Budget to Facilitate Using Unappropriated Fund Balance in the A – General Fund for the Paving of the Parking Lot at the Copake Memorial Park
Resolution #25 To Amend the Town of Copake Policy Manual
Resolution #24 To Amend the 2022 Budget to Facilitate Using Unappropriated Fund Balance in the DA-Highway Fund to Pay for Road Repairs
Introductory Local Law No. 2 of 2022 is a proposed Local Law to authorize members of public bodies of the Town of Copake to participate in meetings via videoconference

071422 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #23 To request and establish a Lower Speed Limit on Orphan Farm Road from the intersection with State Route 22 to the end of Orphan Farm Road
Resolution #22 To Approve the Highway Superintendent’s Sale of McConnell Rear Boom Mower and CX90 Case Tractor with Side Flail Mower
Introductory Local Law No. 2 of 2022 is a proposed Local Law to authorize members of public bodies of the Town of Copake to participate in meetings via videoconference

060922 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #19 To Declare Juneteenth a 2022 Holiday in the Town of Copake, NY
Resolution #20 To Authorize Use of ARPA Funds for Website Design Services
Resolution #21 To Authorize Use of ARPA Funds for Purchase of Two (2) Generators

051222 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #17 To Authorize a Transfer of ARPA Funds to the Copake Fire District
Resolution #18 Creation of the Climate Smart Communities Task Force

041422 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #11 RESOLUTION REGARDING NY-NJ Watershed Protection Act: H.R. 4677
Resolution #12 To Accept the Gift of Arrowheads and Other Native American Artifacts from Farmland Renewal LLC
Resolution #13 To Transfer Funds to the Town of Copake Repair Reserve Fund
Resolution #14 To Transfer Funds to the Town of Copake Equipment Reserve Fund
Resolution #15 To Transfer Funds to the Town of Copake Capital Improvement Reserve Fund
Resolution #16 To Authorize the Supervisor to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for the Loan of Artwork

031022 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #9 of 031022 A Resolution Against Hate
Resolution #10 To Approve the Highway Superintendent’s Sale of a 1993 Elgin Pelican Sweeper
Local Law #2 of 2022 031022

021022 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #8 of 021022 Speed Limit Copake Lake Watershed

011322 Town Board Meeting
Resolution #1 of 010422 To Authorize the Fund Balance Policy-Town of Copake-Draft


November 2021 Fund Reports
Resolution # 30 of 120921 To Authorize the Purchase of a Regenerative Air Sweeper Financed Using Funds from the Town of Copake Equipment Reserve Fund, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Local Law to Opt Out of Allowing On-Site Consumption Sites as Authorized under Cannabis Law Article 4
Resolution # 29 of 111121 To Authorize the Purchase of a Tractor and Mowers Financed Using Funds from the Town of Copake Equipment Reserve Fund, Subject to Permissive Referendum
Resolution #28 of 111121 Supporting Operation Green Light for Active Military Service Members in Transition to Civilian Life (Veteran Status)
October 2021 Fund Reports
2022 Adopted Budget
Draft Local Law #2 of 2021 A Local Law to Establish a No Parking Zone on Underhill Road
General Fund-September 2021
Lighting Fund-September 2021
Highway Fund-September 2021
Executive Summary for 2022 Budget
Preliminary Budget General Fund
Preliminary Budget Highway Fund
Preliminary Budget Lighting Fund
Draft Local Law #1 of 2021 Local Law Amending Section 232-10 of the Copake Zoning Code, “Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone (SCOZ)”
General Fund-August 2021
Lighting Fund-August 2021
Highway Fund-August 2021
General Fund-July 2021
Lighting Fund-July 2021
Highway Fund-July 2021
General Fund-June 2021
Lighting Fund-June 2021
Highway Fund-June 2021
General Fund-May 2021
Lighting Fund-May2021
Highway Fund-May 2021
General Fund-April 2021
Lighting Fund-April 2021
Highway Fund-April 2021
RESOLUTION – To adopt a Town credit card policy
(2) RESOLUTION – To adopt certain Real Property Tax Law Exemptions
(3) Resolution # 2021 Speed Limit on Birch Hill Road in Craryville (2)
2 February 11 2021- Agenda 
Resolution 2021 Speed Limit on Birch Hill Road in Craryville
Draft Resolution solar panels 2-11-21Opposing NYS budget proposal to exempt utility-scale renewable energy projects from environmental review pursuant to SEQRA
RESOLUTION – REVISED 0210 – Establshing a revised procedure for claims processing